Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This clip from "Neshoba" perhaps gives an idea why the deaths of three Civil Rights workers in the mid 60's resonates today. The movie gives a face to the faceless victims around the world who have been murdered and dumped in unmarked graves. the people who have been disappeared, their history wiped away after being intercepted on a dark road, on what was to have been just another night. Whether in the alleys of Baghdad or the jungles of Columbia or the back streets of Haiti these three have come to symbolize what happens to our humanity when it is polluted by hatred. Inside of all of us their is small fire burning, the light that hope and love can shine through the darkness.

The emotion that this incident stirs still rises to the surface refusing to be held down. Seeing the faces that emerge from the shadows of this wrenching moment in our national history belies the commonly held view of how far we have come. Rather here we begin to understand the fundamental underpinnings of how hatred turns on fine points and how forgiveness can be the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of war. Join the filmmakers as they interview the participants of the 60's drama down in Neshoba County Mississippi
Go to this LINK to read about the Nw York premiere.

Here is an article written for New-Vision entitled It Makes Your Blood Run Cold It is the single most visited article in this blog.

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